Friday, January 7, 2011

On Surprise Scribbles

A has always been the most interested in learning of the triplets. I know there is much to be said about the learning styles of boys and girls (I don't really want to get into THAT now), but I really think she is exceptionally intelligent. She may have walked and talked last, but I think it was her stubbornness and wanting to do it on her own time table that caused that. She's smart enough to know that if we'll do it for her, she needn't bother. ;-) 

On Dec 22, the kids were at the kitchen table "doing homework." They like to draw and do stickers when older brother, H, does his actual homework. All of the sudden A passed me her paper and said: 

Look, Norie, my "A."

Sure enough she had written the first 3 letters of her name. (She only needs to learn 1 more to have it all down. Guess it pays to have 3 repeated letters in your name.)

It is obvious she pays attention to detail. She has these ceramic letters in her room that we have been going over to help her recognize her name. They are artsy and have flat tops. Hence, her A's here have flat tops. Barely 3 and she writes like a kid in kindergarten. I know I'm biased, but I'm also impressed.

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