Monday, February 28, 2011

On Prerogative

This is my blog, so I can be sad if I want to.

Feb. 28, 2011
12:03 pm
My first gray hair

All I can think is:

"Always the nanny..."

I know it's unorthodox, but I'd like to buy a consonant, Pat.
How much for 3 'M's?


Friday, February 25, 2011

On Privacy

I have none...

n.n: "Ok, guys play here for a min. Norie, has to go potty."

Thankfully the Cs have an area that is childproofed enough for me to leave them briefly. However, privacy is a rare commodity.

A: "Wait for me, Norie! I'll keep you company."

Honestly, I love my job, but one daily struggle is the fact that I am always "on." There is always someone who needs me, my help, my comfort. My needs often take a back seat to the little ones I choose to assume responsibility for. Even at nap time I am vigilant, listening for the smallest rustle and anticipating problems. A nanny's job is non-stop. There are no bathroom breaks. No uninterrupted 15 min respites from work. My lunch break is not my own. My time in general is dictated by the needs of others. In general, I'm ok with that. But somedays, I'd like to take a pee in peace.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

On (Popular) Movies

The first movie the C family triplets ever saw in the movie theater was: 
Toy Story III.

 P and G were on their 10 year anniversary vacation and I ventured to take all four children with a little help from their Aunt and Uncle. They were entranced. They were so still that their snacks sat uneaten in their laps. The only words spoken were by R whenever the screen would go blank between scenes. "What happened, norie?" He would ask. And the next time, "is it broken?" This would happen throughout the film and I just had to laugh. The only time they got a little antsy was toward the middle when the climax occurred and it got really loud. Other than that they sat slack jawed and happy.

I can't remember my first movie in the theater. I don't believe I was 2 years old though. I believe many of my first movies were viewed at the Drive-In cuddled up in the back of my parents station wagon. What a contrast to today's youth. They are bombarded with technology the moment they enter the world. I'm not judging, just marveling.

I know the C kids will see many movies in their lifetimes. Who knows how films will be available when they are my age. I feel honored that I got to share this silly milestone. I like movies. The darkness. The popcorn. Losing myself in the lights and the action. This movie, though the 3rd in the series, was great for children and parents alike, even if you haven't seen the 2 that come before. I dare say I cried at the end. (Not that the kids noticed!) Thankfully there are movies out there that families can enjoy together, cause Barney just doesn't cut it for me.

Monday, February 21, 2011

On Other Blogs With Great Ideas: Episode 3, 10 Things Kids Need

Just for the heck of it I googled: "Things Kids Need." I suppose in the back of my mind I was looking for new blog fodder. However, what I found not only validated my approach as a nanny, but gave me some good reminders how to continue to be the best nanny.nora I can be. Please visit the Child, Youth, and Family website to read this post in its entirety. It won't take long, but it's worth it. Do it for me, or better yet, for that little person who is the apple of your eye.

The 10 Things Kids Need Most:

Friday, February 18, 2011

On (Valentine's Day) Books (Belated)

This is Marylou.

Marylou is a poet, a slug, and she's desperately in love with another slug named Herbie.

Slugs in love is a sweet book that chronicles the poetic love affair brewing between two garden slugs. 

The rhymes are simple but clever and sometimes borrow from popular literature that both kids and parents are familiar with.

At first Herbie doesn't know who Marylou is. All slugs are brownish and like tomatoes, of course, but by the end they finally meet and, as expected, live happily ever after. 

Thursday, February 17, 2011

On Birthdays (JCD Edition)

It's hard to believe the boy who once was this sweet faced cherub:

Is now turning seven and losing another tooth.

JCD was one of the first charges I was with full time. I worked with him from the time he was about 9 months old to two years old. (Thankfully, since he's my nephew, I still see him. Just never enough.) I got to watch as he discovered his favorite foods, learned to toddle about, and began his love affair with reading and learning. He is now an energetic young man who is intellectually ahead of his peers while still enjoying less academic pursuits like Pokemon and computer games. I am constantly amazed by his intelligence and skills. I like to believe, regardless of what the studies say, that all those hours we spent reading the Baby Einstein flash cards
he adored as a tot, had something to do with it. Mostly though, I think it was interacting with him, talking to him, taking the time to show and explain things to him, as well as, above all, avoiding baby talk that helped give him the foundations for the academic skills he is developing today.

So if I can stay on my soap box for just a moment, please speak to your children directly. Teach them new words. Don't underestimate their intelligence by speaking baby talk. Explain things and watch the excitement as they begin to understand. J is living proof that this technique works.

Happy 7th Birthday J! Tata loves you and is VERY proud of you.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

On Caffeine

Some days I feel like this:

And some days, I just think I need more coffee.

Monday, February 14, 2011

On Birthdays (APC Edition)

There was a little girl, 
                     Who had a little curl,
Right in the middle of her forehead.
            When she was good,
            She was very good indeed,
But when she was bad she was horrid.


What can I say about APC? The baby of four, she is the most easy going of the triplets. Her mother often jokes how easy it would be were she an only child. A is willing and able to follow most directions without complaint, however she is smart and stubborn. She was the last to walk and perform most of the major milestones, but I honestly believe it is her choice to do it this way. I think she's smart enough to know that if she doesn't learn we'll still do it for her. She wanted to get walking "right" before she finally let go. She didn't want to fall. While getting dressed, she still begs for help because it's easier than doing it herself. She's no dummy! If you saw my post about her writing her name, you'd have to agree. She is sweet and lovable, but has a shrill shriek that could raise the dead. She loves to sing and I dare say she has great talent for it. A is slightly addicted to the television set and would sit there all day if she could, I think. She adores Dora the explorer as well as Ni Hao Kai-lan, but really any show she will veg out to. Her favorite color is pink...and purple. (She will tell you just that if asked.) :-) She is terribly attached to her stuffed cat, "meow," and can't even fathom sleeping without it. She is currently obsessed with all things princess, though Minnie-Mouse was the winner for a while. Lately she has been the most shy when we go out, attaching herself to my side, always cautious and wanting to hold my hand. In general, the boys push her around, but I think that's mostly because she's so blasé about the world. She'd rather find something else to do rather than fight. (However, like I said, she shrieks, so watch out if you try to take something she really wants.) She is mostly easy to please and rarely throws long lasting tantrums. She is well behaved and generally good natured. I dare say she is the most well mannered of the kids, though R is catching on fairly well. I look forward to see how she develops in this family of boys. Her gorgeous curls and winning smile can melt anyone's heart. However, the Longfellow poem above that her mother often recites to her is sometimes true. ;-) 

She is so easy to direct we were able to capture this photo. 
Looks like the picture in the frame when you buy it no? 

So finally we come to the end of our "On Birthdays" celebration. I look forward to comparing the children again next year. Until then, Happy Birthday C-Family Children! You are well loved... 

*These pictures were graciously provided by my sister-in-law. Her work with children is absolutely AMAZING. She is testing the waters at starting her own photography business. Leave her some comment love so she'll know just how successful she actually already is!*

Sunday, February 13, 2011

On Birthdays (DLC Edition)

DLC is the middle child of the triplets. (The one on the right in the picture above.) His family given nickname is "Glue." He's attached to Momma C constantly. D is a total parrot and loves to tell everyone the rules (even if he won't follow them himself). He undoubtedly wants whatever toy someone else has until he gets it, then moves onto the new toy the others are playing with. He's never satisfied and seeks to be in the middle of things. D is incredibly persistent. He will follow his brother or sister around endlessly until they give up the toy in question. His favorite color is green and he has a penchant for talking in the third person. 'D's gonna have yogurt for lunch, Norie.' His favorite superhero is Batman and he likes to wear his coat by the hood on his head as a cape to be 'silly Batman.' He is obsessed with all things firefighter and his favorite tv show is 'Fireman Sam.'

His smile is infectious, 

but he can also be serious and pensive. 

 He is the most attached to sucking his thumb and still has to be reminded during the day that, 'We don't suck.' (Like I said, he's persistent.) He often likes to play the 'sleeping game' just so he can sneak a suck in during the long hours before nap time. He's such a trickster! He'll always be my D-illy dally.

*These pictures were graciously provided by my sister-in-law. Her work with children is absolutely AMAZING. She is testing the waters at starting her own photography business. Leave her some comment love so she'll know just how successful she actually already is!*

Saturday, February 12, 2011

On Birthdays (HKC Edition)

We interrupt this edition of 'Birthdays - Triplet Style' to mention the birth of another important member of the C family. Today is H's eight birthday. Poor guy, five years old and he was no longer the only child, but a big brother to triplets!

 HKC is a sweetheart. A good helper, when he chooses to be, and generally sweet to his siblings. He is uber ticklish and also likes to have his back, legs, arms, and chin scratched. It's about the only thing that gets him to sit still. This ball of energy is in the science club at school, participates in boy scouts, and played flag football as well as baseball. He's a really fast runner and tremendously good at the frisbee game we made up together last summer. (Explained Here.) His reading abilities have really exploded this year and he adores the 'Diary of a Wimpy Kid' books. He's a master at wii, particularly the star wars game and madden football. He somehow has the ability to get pretty much whatever he wants from me, within reason (and if he's good). His favorite color is green and when he's concentrating he does this cute little sucking his tongue/rubbing his nose maneuver that makes me smile. He loves to cuddle, but avoids giving hugs/kisses at the bus stop. He's the only kid I know who could eat cheeseburgers for every meal but rarely touches the French fries. H is kind, athletic, tricky, and turning out to be a real entrepreneur.

Obviously this week is a busy one at the C household. Friday was H's party. Today is the family celebration and on Sunday they will have friends over for a little get together. I suppose it's nice to get all the birthdays out of the way at once. ;-)

Sadly, H was at school when the babies had their photo shoot with Miss Nicole. I am hoping in the summer I will be able to get some with him too. 

Friday, February 11, 2011

On Birthdays (RBC Edition)

Today is the triplets' third birthday. I can't believe how much they've changed since I started two years ago. They walk, they talk, they help me (mostly), and they certainly have developed their own personalities. In honor of my little munchkins, I wanted to write a little bit about each one of them


R Is the oldest, by mere minutes, but it seems to make a difference. He's completely potty trained with nary an accident throughout the whole process. He can dress himself completely, and has the weird quirk of insisting he does so the moment he wakes up. He dislikes wearing anything but real clothes during the day and is speedy at putting his shoes and coat on. He is quite headstrong and really fights for what he wants. He has been known to favor a time out rather than doing something he doesn't like. He gives the best two armed hugs and loves to have me scratch his back while we watch TV. I have heard him spell his name, but I don't think he recognizes the letters on paper yet. His favorite color is blue and he has the cutest little shy/coy face that melts my heart. (seen here:)

R and I butt heads a lot, but he's always been my buddy, since day 1. He has the habit of loving me one day and the next playing shy and hard to get. I haven't figured out why he does this yet, but it's pretty consistent that if he's all lovey and in my lap one day, he's gonna cry when he sees me walk in the room the next day. He loves to play with trucks and cars, but shows his softer side when he puts the baby dolls to sleep. He loves cherry tomatoes and eating fruits like pears 'big.' He's sweet and energetic. He's my little Roscoe P. Coltrane.

*These pictures were graciously provided by my sister-in-law. Her work with children is absolutely AMAZING. She is testing the waters at starting her own photography business. Leave her some comment love so she'll know just how successful she actually already is!*

Thursday, February 10, 2011

On Games: Ladder-bee

The Cs have a fenced in yard. It prevents the dog AND the children from escaping. It also provides a helpful apparatus that H and I used to invent the game we played all last summer, Ladder-bee. A variation on lawn golf, Ladder-bee uses a frisbee instead of a golf ball lariat. The object is to throw your frisbee into one of the horizontal fence poles from a distance of 35(ish) feet. If you hit the top post you receive 3 points, the middle 2 points, and the bottom 1. If it goes over you lose a point and H has to run to the neighbors yard to fetch it. (That's my favorite rule. That kid needs to run of some energy once in a while!) :-) Thankfully we have like 6 frisbees so we have a few throws before he runs to collect them. The winner is the first to 21 and you have to win by 2 points.  Once again, thank you to the gods of random ideas for helping me think this up. I'm sure you could find something in YOUR yard to create a variation. It's not as easy as it sounds, but it's quite fun!

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

On Impersonations

This is totally random, I know, but if you need a good laugh look here.

Seriously, the comparison cracks me up EVERY time.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

On Luck

People often wonder how I found my current position with the Cs. I have to admit. It was pure luck. I was  working part time with a few other families when the one utilizing me most had a change in needs. The mother was no longer going to work, so nanny.nora was out of a job. Yes, I still had other families part time and I could still work for this one on an "as needed" basis, but I was looking for something a little more substantial.

I had recently become reacquainted with a friend from college on Facebook. As we caught up on each others lives since matriculation, I mentioned my status as a nanny. As luck would have it, she worked in the same office with Momma C and knew that the family had been left in a lurch by their previous caregiver. My friend passed along my resume, we set up an interview, and it seems they stopped looking the moment they met me.

I admit, this job is more than I was looking for at the time, both time commitment wise AND difficulty wise. That said, I think it has worked out well for all parties. I have found good friends in P and G, all the while learning and growing with their children.

Who knows how my next job will arrive at my doorstep, but I hope my luck never changes.

Sunday, February 6, 2011

On Games: Impromptu Twister

What to do with 3 bored children and 1 multicolored rug? Why not play an impromptu game of twister? That's just what we did one day and it was a big hit. Not only were we working on learning non-primary colors (ie. sage green, rust, navy blue, and cream) but we challenged ourselves physically, practiced coordination, and had fun to boot! It started with my randomly calling colors and body parts and ended with the four of us on the floor in fits of giggles.

My job is often overwhelming, stressful, and demanding, but I am thankful for the days that I have random bouts of inspiration that lead us to fun-filled and educational activities. Sometimes the best ideas come from an everyday item to which you never gave a second glance.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

On Other Blogs With Great Ideas: Episode 3, The Woombie

I found the link to this site on the sidebar of another one of my favorite supermoms' blog. Being intrigued by the name (which somehow reminds me of that SNL short about the 'woomba') I clicked the link and proceeded to struggle with my feelings about the item. On one hand, this simple swaddler takes the difficulty out of achieving the perfect wrap to keep your baby snuggled cozily all the while avoiding the possibility of unwrapping.

I believe in swaddling. I agree that for some children it is comfortable and comforting. However, when I saw this product, I was given pause. I'm really not sure why. I think in essence it boils down to looks. For some reason it appears unnatural. Without the overlapping folds and the loving touch of manually swaddled child, the look is more straight jacket than cozy, womb-like sleeping bag.

That said, I am *not* against the woombie. Heck, I've never even tried one and I'm certainly not the type to dismiss something without thorough investigation. So in essence I'm sharing with you my conflicted feelings. I LOVE the idea. Easier swaddling for the flailing limbs of an over-tired infant sounds great to me, but there is something trounbling too that I can't put my finger on. I'll let you know my final verdict if I ever get to try it. Anyone else out there have thoughts to share on this? I'd love to hear from you!