Tuesday, December 21, 2010

On Monitor madness

Baby monitors freak me out. I don't trust them. I worry they aren't working right and I'm not hearing something. The constant hiss they give off annoys me and what's worse? Those disembodied voices you hear when the signals somehow get crossed.

Picture it, naptime. Approximately 3:30pm. A is slated to wake in the near future. My ears perk up when I hear a rustle from the monitor. It is almost inaudible, but snippets of talking filter through. She has a habit of chattering to herself for a bit before she starts calling for me. However, I am surprised by her choice of words. I swear the little Jewish princess just said, "Jesus." I listen harder, more mumbles and rustles. I walk to the table and turn the montior up. Out blasts the clear voice of an obvious shiksa,

"And Jesus said...It's all predicted here in the bible."

Chuckling to myself I stalk up the stairs to find the curly haired baby girl playing with stuffed animals in her bed, wide awake and waiting for me. Let me reiterate, I don't trust baby monitors.

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