It's hard to believe the boy who once was this sweet faced cherub:
Is now turning seven and losing another tooth.
JCD was one of the first charges I was with full time. I worked with him from the time he was about 9 months old to two years old. (Thankfully, since he's my nephew, I still see him. Just never enough.) I got to watch as he discovered his favorite foods, learned to toddle about, and began his love affair with reading and learning. He is now an energetic young man who is intellectually ahead of his peers while still enjoying less academic pursuits like Pokemon and computer games. I am constantly amazed by his intelligence and skills. I like to believe, regardless of what the studies say, that all those hours we spent reading the Baby Einstein flash cards
he adored as a tot, had something to do with it. Mostly though, I think it was interacting with him, talking to him, taking the time to show and explain things to him, as well as, above all, avoiding baby talk that helped give him the foundations for the academic skills he is developing today.
So if I can stay on my soap box for just a moment, please speak to your children directly. Teach them new words. Don't underestimate their intelligence by speaking baby talk. Explain things and watch the excitement as they begin to understand. J is living proof that this technique works.
Happy 7th Birthday J! Tata loves you and is VERY proud of you.